The manifestation of the law of attraction in man's life follows the same principles that rule nature

The Law Of Attraction Principles

The law of attraction principles is a topic which raises many people’s eyebrows. It may be due to the set of rules that is ingrained in it. For lack of understanding it and stepping in line with it some individuals prefer to stick to mainstream patterns which in most people’s heads are purely work of fate. With a mindset impoverished by a delusive society, they just live their lives randomly, having no discernment regarding the fundamentals of this law. Following what was mentioned above, I will expose my spiritual views on the law of attraction and reveal how it mirrors itself with your inner self.

The Law Of Divine Oneness

First things first, the law of attraction doesn’t work on its own. It is in conjunction with other laws of the Universe. To begin with, the law of divine oneness is a proof that there is no separation. Energy is something that permeates everything. This supreme force allows all existence ranging from friends and family members we have as contacts to happenings and our intuition to make choices in life. Nothing is coincidental, everything happens as a result of divine order.

Thus, the universal energy comprises energies of different frequencies and vibrations, which means that opposing ends are an indication that something needs due attention so as to reach proper balance. For example, chaos, in all possible forms, represents lack of order. Simultaneously, it is an open invitation for rearrangement through self-reflection. This also goes for situations that involve hatred, selfishness and arrogance. Life is not static and, at any moment, it may change its course if you use the laws of the Universe for your own self-improvement.

The Law Of Vibration

Whether you like it or not, good and bad are just a personal interpretation you have of your own reality. In the law of vibration, the Universe detects subtle differences in frequencies, which is the moving energy of the particles found in everything. Just to exemplify, the sun, the moon, the planets, the objects on Earth like a car or a table as well as living beings – including us humans – everything vibrates. Seeing that we are all endowed with frequency, the more we increase it, the better it is for us. Thoughts and feelings create frequencies, causing ripple effects on your fellow beings. Inevitably, the reality manifests things of similar vibration in our lives. So, friends, jobs, people we meet, situations and relationships follow this pattern.

The Law Of Attraction Along With The Law Of Correspondence

Basically, the Universe materializes your outer world through the law of correspondence, which considers your inner world. When it comes to the law of attraction, one thing you should know is that it is totally neutral. We are all in the same boat regardless of which kind of life we are leading.

The Law Of Cause And Effect

This implies that we are subject to the law of cause and effect which has its seed in our minds. So, you had better be meticulous in matching your thoughts, feelings and actions. This triad not only has an implication on your life but it also has on the life of those around you. In other words, it is your conscious awareness of nurturing good vibration in compliance with positive attitudes even if situations get out of hand.

The Law Of Polarity

Only by having a clear mind and acting accordingly will you be able to move along with the law of polarity for your own convenience. In my case, I learnt the hard way that the duality exists and now I use my bad experiences as part of my evolving nature. In bumping into disgusting situations, I feel the need to become even thirstier for joy. Failures are not my downfall. They give me perceptions I didn’t have before and point me in the right direction towards success. These opposing extremes reveal how I can approach the obstacles and the downsides of any kind in an imaginative way. Repulsive though they are, these things are just building blocks of my entire being.

The Law Of Attraction Requires That You Use The Law Of Mentalism

Have you ever heard of Law of mentalism? If not, it is another law that complements the law of attraction. Such theory states that the Universe is mental. Unlike what is generally believed, the human mind creates reality. Thus, your beliefs, interpretations and generated emotions are not passive, not even victms of the experiences you have. If your mind fabricates, it induces you to behave in a specific way and decide what to do in life. In understanding the law of polarity, you can reverse through the law of mentalism, for example, your bad vibes.

Law Of Perpetual Transmutation Of Energy, Of Inspired Action And Of Compensation

When you apply the law of perpetual transmutation of energy, you trigger a positive shift, raising your vibration. In keeping it high your energy field becomes compatible to attract and bring to reality your dreams. But don’t fool yourself, use your best efforts along with the law of inspired action. It requires visualization techniques coupled with positive approach in everything you do. Always be mindful of the fact that reality works like a boomerang. In simple words, the law of compensation states that you must treat people and the planet Earth with love and respect, as that will return positively to you.

The Law Of Attraction Also Respects The Law Of Rhythm

Never ignore the fact that everything in nature follows the law of rhythm, even your life. There are cycles and seasons in a constant movement, that is the reason why you go through different phases. Experiences, whatever they might be, bring values and viewpoints to your journey. There is always a light that shines behind the lessons you learn. What bothers you or makes you suffer may be preparing you for a better stage. So, instead of complaining, use it as a constructive engagement.

The Law Of Relativity

Furthermore, remember that the good and bad circumstances that you deal with are your mind construct. The truth of the matter is that you attribute your reality to the comparisons and judgements you make. Despite that, the Universe shows that impartiality is the key component of the law of relativity, which incites you to analyze the opposite sides of everything and your personal life through different angles and perspectives.

After all this discussion, it is fair to say that your potential will remain dormant within you unless you unleash it to the best of your ability. This natural quality may have a huge effect if you employ the law of gender. The Universe rests upon it to find balance in all forms of existence. And its core focus is on masculine and feminine energies, which must be in harmony with each other. This law is not about biological sex, but about matching parts that create unity and balance. Therefore, you can counterbalance these energies inside of you and better run your life for your own good. On top of all this, you need to detach yourself from blockages, fear, insecurity and past traumas and cultivate love so as to become free and unstoppable, otherwise you will waste efforts towards the law of attraction and won’t yield positive results.

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