True richness starts in nature as an integral part of man

The True Meaning Of Richness

The true meaning of richness is a subject that has been forgotten over time. Since the dawn of time, man has used his intellect to generate wealth and evolve. Employed only as a means of creating a comfortable life, the limited use of it has restrained man from tapping into his inner world. Despite being awesome and kind of necessary for humanity as a whole, the hot pursuit of worldly and material gains has created many gaps in human existence. With due consideration, this article raises the issue on how to recognize the real essence of richness, which is instrumental for man’s spiritual growth.

Before discussing this topic, I just want to make it clear that the true meaning of richness goes beyond amounts of cash, discoveries, inventions and practicalities of the artificial world. There is no denying the fact that things such as these are for the betterment of society. So, all that remains for us to do is to testify the phenomenal evolution of man as a species. It has gained notoriety in the various achievements that were projected from his mind. For this reason, original and practical ideas applied in the 3D world speak volumes about man as a dynamic co-creator of his own reality.

Are These The False Or The True Meaning of Richness?

Buildings, airplanes, cars, robots, machines and wifi communication in real time can clearly exemplify the solid foundation he has built. These resources accentuate man’s self-interest in designing a world accessible to everyone. At first glance, there is an impression that they are synonym of richness. Actually, they are nothing but products resulting from man’s visionary thinking. Honestly, their beauty and suitability hold our attention. Good-intentioned though these benefits are, they have a downside, for they induce ordinary people to become self-indulgent and passive to life.      

Acting like a gravitational pull these wonders have great power over the hearts and minds of people. Once they touch individuals in a deepest level, they unconsciously end up eyeballing only modern life comforts as a source of wealth. Far from their inner nature, humans become atrophied, spoiled and empty, not being able to access their authentic selves.

The Right Way To Approach The Meaning Of Richness

Although it seems irreversible, people still can change this thing around. To make it happen, one thing they should do is exercise a feeling of inquisitiveness and independent thinking. Using these two attributes as integral parts of their character opens the gateway to self-actualization and creative brilliance, thus unlocking a wide range of possibilities. This is because in being critical, people put their minds to work, which, in essence, is the manifestation of richness as a means, not an end.

After going through the front door and having reached the first stage, people have to use richness within reasonable limits. Personally, I believe that richness is a broad concept, so it cannot be reduced to a materialistic approach. What usually happens is that people associate money and luxury with it, taking this misconception to the extreme. I see richness more as something that brings wellness to fruition, taking into account a good communication between heart and mind, which is internal.

Richness Is The Connection Between All Things

The true meaning of richness is about sustaining a lifestyle that promotes an alliance between individuals and the divine within. Thus, one’s self-fulfilment represents its connection with fellow beings and also with other creatures in mother nature, not violating the divine code. Richness cannot be arrogant, dominant and egotistic. Nor can there be separation or runaway forces in action. On the contrary, it must be inspiring, balanced and peaceful. Just like mother nature itself. No wonder the interaction between human beings and nature makes them lighter.

To my mind, in having a friendly relationship with nature we manifest the core of richness which transcendentally leads everything. With the hands of nature on our lives, richness effortlessly intensifies. Bright colors and living creatures naturally convert their refreshing energy into a soothing effect in our souls. From this arises all the joy, peace and inspiration for life. These feelings have the capability to elevate us to a spiritual realm of existence, which is the cornerstone of richness. From my experience, I can say that richness is sublime just because this energy bonds spiritual and physical worlds together. It comes from within and it can be much more fruitful when used with respect, reflective practice, discerning choices as well as moderate behavior.

Just to illustrate better, analyzing everyday situations is necessary.

To start with, consider the time people hang around with their loved ones. If they are supportive in sharing wise words with one another, their actions will bring richness to their mental faculties. As another example, artistic expressions such as painting, sculpting and drawing denote a visual imprint of individuals’ rich minds. Now, regarding writing and dancing, both of them represent richness in creating content for reading and in expressing body movements (according to the music rhythm) respectively.

Singing follows the same pattern, which requires musical notes to vocalize a song, but a personal touch has a potentializing effect on the interpretation. This line of reasoning applies for cooking, teaching, sewing and many other areas of knowledge. These are just a few examples on how richness can blosom from people’s minds. And one thing in common in all of these activities is the presence of love. Not only does this engine create happiness but it also improves humans’ experiences on Earth.

In a nutshell, love permeates the desire to engage with everything in the world around. Also, its creative nature is a step into the flourishing of richness. However, its success depends on the absence of selfishness as a way of reaching a permanent state of completeness.

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