The experience of kundalini energy and its effects on your body, mind and soul

Kundalini Energy Awakening

Introducing Kundalini Energy Awakening

Suppose that you experienced the Kundalini Energy Awakening.  And the consequence of this is an expansive perception of everything that happens around you. As well as this, you can easily deal with your feelings and emotions. Unquestionably, you are able to understand exactly how other people see, judge and feel the world. This skill, when properly done, gives you the clarity and wisdom you need to lead your life. As it turns out, this dormant energy needs activation through spiritual bliss.

Getting into detail, …

the Kundalini energy is compared to a dormant serpent twisted like a rope. Its location is at the base of the spine. And the serpent is asleep and just needs to be awakened to release its strong force. So, to make this happen, there must be harmony between awareness and spiritual activity. The Kundalini energy is the power of creation and connects us with the Cosmos.

There is no denying the fact that meditation is the vehicle which brings us the awakening and oneness. This way, our perception, which is our awareness, is entirely neutral. Regarding nature, it is in constant change in the Universe. Within each one of us is Shiva, which is the witness. And analysing the nature of all things around us and within us is Shakti. Shiva and Shakti must be in perfect union, because when they are not together, they characterize separation and duality in the individual. On the other hand, when they fuse together, the intuition opens and sensitivity arises. As a consequence, your level of awareness increases.

Conceptualizing Kundalini Energy Awakening

Taking into account different sources of research, Kundalini is the energy directly linked to consciousness and free from thought. For this reason, a constant meditation practice can enable Kundalini to flow through your chakras. And once your chakras are aligned, it becomes easier to allow the Kundalini energy to awaken.

It´s clear that the Kundalini awakening is the path which leads you to empathy and telepathy in a deeper way. Additionally, you become more creative, charismatic and sensible. So, all of this is possible through the higher levels of energy which connect us to the whole Universe. And this interaction is powerful to such an extent that we become wise and the Universe reveals its secrets to us. This spiritual enlightenment also gives us internal peace and a feeling of part of the oneness.

Another thing which is tremendously perceptible is that when someone is spiritually enlightened, they are inclined to follow their true life passion. What´s more, their wisdom makes them analytical and careful. And when they speak, they do it with vision and deep understanding.

Be Careful With The Subtle Body Awakening In Process

According to spiritual mentors, the seven chakras are the channels you have in your subtle body. Therefore, their purification is of paramount support for the Kundalini awakening. In general terms, you must be physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually prepared for the awakening process. Otherwise, the Kundalini energy awakening might become uncomfortable for you to handle.

Kundalini Energy Awakening: What Are the Benefits of Experiencing It?

The Kundalini energy rises up from the base of the spine and moves up to the crown chakra and the pineal gland. Once is awoken, in correlation with the decalcified pineal gland, it provides us with extra-sensory perception. Hence, the person who experiences this uses their higher selves to access their highest potential. Changing words, the person sees a world of infinite possibilities. This means that there is no more drama, self-limiting beliefs, feelings of fear, insecurity and anxiety.  Actually, what happens is that the person embraces all that is, namely the positive and the negative, the happiness and the sadness, the darkness and the light. So, the flexibility to deal with completely opposite kinds of situations describes a person as an alchemist.

You Have No Control Over Spontaneous Kundalini Energy Awakening

The Kundalini energy awakening may arise unexpectedly due to strong energy work, such as yoga practice, sexual experiences, drug consumption and life events. When this happens and the person is not ready, this lack of preparation cause  extreme changes in the person’s behavior, including their diet. Moreover, weight loss and change in appearance are also results of  spontaneous kundalini energy awakening.

By having a spiritual master to support you, you will be skillful enough to recognize it and overcome it. It´s an intense dedication which calls for discipline, reading, learning, dedication, practice and patience.

Kundalini Energy Awakening – How To Open Your Central Channel And Cease Thinking

Life force energy is what everyone needs to awaken the Kundalini. Aso known as prana, it must enter into the central channel. So as to make it happen, practitioners can practice alternate nostril breathing. So, it doesn´t matter if you´re doing yoga or meditation, there needs to be focus, breath and movement.

A Master Can Guide You Or You Can Do Intense Research On The Topic

Alternatively, you may have a spiritually experienced person to train you. Needless to say, a mentor is the proper person who will give you all the explanations, showing you the right path.  Thus, you will have all the physical and psychological preparation which will pave the way for a higher level of consciousness. But, if for any reason, you don´t have this person on hand, you can start watching videos online, reading blogs, taking notes, checking everything for yourself and practicing it.

Some Indications Of A Kundalini Energy Awakening

1. Motivation And Determination

  • You feel a strong desire for change. And this feeling comes with a great need for alignment. In other words, you have the insight that you must change your perception towards life. So, your career, loving relationships, family relation, habits and even diet go through a careful examination.
    In short, it´s a journey which demands self-control, research, self-learning, patience and bravery.

2. Body Reactions

  • The nervous system is extremely sensitive. That´s the obvious reason why some people experience emotional symptoms (despair, confusion, depression). But some people also relate symptoms like near death experiences, visual disturbance, shaking among others. And the only option to deal with these symptoms is by opening your channels of energy. They are your seven chakras which, when in alignment, release any blockages.
    Therefore, going to the doctor is not a solution, as they won´t find the answer, they will just prescribe you some medicine. And depending on what you tell them, they might even say that you are having mental disease.

3. Total connection

  • Don´t be radical in your decisions. Instead, use your wisdom by being in touch with nature more. And a great way of doing that is by appreciating what nature shows you. So, you can cherish your dog or cat and talk to it. Besides that, release tension by walking barefoot and connecting to all that is. As we all know, Mother nature gives us sensitivity and intuition.
  • Approval and encouragement comes in a surprising way. It means that when we have determination to achieve our goals, things end up coming our ways. Thus, we meet people who can really support us, find the books which can clear our doubts, attend the right places and workshops. All these things occur precisely because of synchronicities. In conclusion, our energy aligns with our purpose which allows the Universe to make things happen accordingly.
  • Given that our level of consciousness is increased, we become more aware of what happens around us. To put it differently, our knowledge gives us understanding of everything which can influence our energy. In this case we cannot put up with fast food, negative media news and harmful people and places any longer. With this in mind, we search new ways for adjusting our system to a new homeostasis.

4. Self- Learning And Self-Control

  • We condition ourselves more to a balanced inner self. At this point, it means that we are 100% aware of our thoughts. And this is positively a new way of seeing life. In fact, we become conscious when old paradigms try to control our feelings and energies. And this is amazing, because we have an intimate relationship with our soul. As a result, our intuition becomes our great partner to make decisions. Therefore, the great advantage of all this is that we go for the truth, we become our healers and we work our higher selves. Proof of this is a regular yoga or meditation practice. In reality, what they do is help us to nurture our souls, evolve, clear our blockages, increase our energy and stop overthinking.
  • We move more towards the heart space. This sense of oneness activates the compassion to help our Mother nature and others. And we no longer act in a selfish way because of our feeling of interconnectedness.
  • We´ve got a strong desire to express exactly how we feel. In other words, we know deep in our hearts that our energy and feelings make an impact on the world. As a result of this, we write, dance, volunteer in community service and use our knowledge in order to uplift the world.

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